A MUST SEE - Why it is so important to stop eating meat and how it can positively change the whole world?:
A NÃO PERDER - Porquê é tão importante parar de comer carne e como isso pode mudar positivamente todo o mundo?:
Watch the full debate:
Food Matters | O Alimento Importa
PORTUGUÊS: Como a alimentação pode causar um impacto muito grande e decisivo na nossa saúde e na sociedade, podendo mesmo causar ou curar doenças graves como o cancro.
ENGLISH: How food can have a severe and decisive impact to our health and to society, being able to even cause or heal serious illness like cancer.
"Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food." - Hippocrates
That's the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in the controversial new documentary film 'Food Matters' from first-time Producer-Directors James Colqhuoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.
"With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and ourtendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. 'Food Matters' sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide "Sickness Industry" and giving people some scientifically verifiable solutions for curing disease naturally." - James
And in what promises to be the most contentious idea put forward, the filmmakers have interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing who claim that not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer.
Poema: O Amor Unifica
"O Amor não deveria ser apenas um relacionamento, mas um estado de Ser"
"Aprendemos a Amar verdadeiramente, não quando encontramos a pessoa perfeita, mas quando aprendemos a ver perfeitamente uma pessoa imperfeita."
"Aprendemos a Amar verdadeiramente, não quando encontramos a pessoa perfeita, mas quando aprendemos a ver perfeitamente uma pessoa imperfeita."
San Kenn
"O que é o Amor? O verdadeiro Amor é completo e a sua única intenção é ligar-se e dar. O verdadeiro Amor não deseja, possui ou quer alguma coisa. Não pode ser encontrado em nenhum lado a não ser na nossa alma, no nosso coração. Um acto de gentiliza sem egoísmo, perdão incondicional e compaixão sem limites, permite que o Amor flua na nossa vida."
Autor desconhecido
(Dedicado a uma alma especial)
Estás ao meu lado
Olho para ti, Sinto-te
Olhas para mim, Sentes-me
Não são precisas palavras, ambos Somos e sentimos
A energia, a harmonia, a luz, a Unicidade, o Amor ali presente
Aproxima-mo-nos, sentindo a energia a aumentar
Damos um abraço, a energia fica mais forte, a luz brilha mais forte
Deixo de te sentir como se fosses um ser individualizado
Não te sinto como um outro, mas como um Eu
A verdade manifesta-se, a ilusão cai por terra
Nada mais há para além do Ser Uno
Existe apenas Um Eu, uma única alma, que se manifesta de inúmeras formas
Tendo todas essas formas uma única intenção:
Criar um vasto potencial para a manifestação e experienciação do Amor
Em ti sinto isso, esse potencial manifestado, concretizado
És o que És, o que sempre foste, o que sempre serás
Sou o que Sou, o que sempre fui e que sempre Serei
E nessa união, alcançamos a consciência do Todo
Sentimos, Somos, Deus
Quando te Amo, Amo-me a mim mesmo
Quando me Amas, Amas a ti mesma
Quando És, eu também Sou
Quando Somos, Somos Um
Um momento eterno, que dura por uma eternidade
Não desvanece, não desaparece, mas permanece
É a realidade eterna do Universo, é a nossa essência
Aquela que sempre sentimos ter e desejamos Ser
Sem nada dizer, pego a tua mão, entrelaço os meus dedos nos teus
Levo-te comigo para passear pelo meio da Natureza
Sentimos a relva húmida nos pés descalços, passamos por plantas e árvores
Sentimos a energia do sol a tocar a nossa pele
Ouvimos o vento a gentilmente mexer as folhas das árvores
Sentimos a brisa e as gotas de orvalho a caírem na nossa face, acariciando e refrescando a pele
Ouvimos os pássaros a cantarem, numa sinfonia que não se pode descrever, apenas sentir
Olhamos para o céu, com um lindo azul e nuvens a passar, a nos cumprimentar
Sentimos a energia da natureza, à nossa volta, a nos abençoar, a nos fazer sentir vivos, gratos, Unos
Vimos os animais a olhar para nós, e em silêncio, olhamos para eles, e temos a consciência, que somos todos irmãos
Vimos como a Lua é tão linda, e sentimos, que a Natureza não é apenas onde estamos, este Planeta, mas igualmente todo o Universo
Sentimos que se estamos Unos com a Natureza, inerentemente estamos Unos com o UNIverso
Não há separação, apenas UNIão
Não há partes, apenas um Todo
Não há um eu e um ele, apenas um Nós
Não existe medo, apenas Amor
Volto a olhar para os teus olhos, profundamente
Ao olharmos um para o outro, ficamos hipnotizados, sentindo o outro
Vamos além do superficial, da ilusão, da matéria, para Ver e Sentir a Alma
E no Aqui e Agora, sentimos que somos e sempre fomos apenas uma só alma, que nada mais existe
Chego mais perto de ti, muito suavemente passo a mão pela tua face
Acarinho-te, Amo-te, Sinto a tua pele suave, Sinto a tua energia amorosa
De forma lenta e suave, aproximo-me, fechamos os olhos e beijo-te nos lábios
Tu sentes-me, não somente o físico, mas especialmente o etéreo
Não aquilo que se pode ver, mas aquilo que se pode Sentir
Não aquilo que aparenta ser, mas aquilo que É
O que sentes, é o meu Amor, o nosso Amor, um Amor eterno
O que tu sentes, és tu mesma a te beijar, a te Amar
Momentos eternos, que persistem por tempos imemoriais
Permanecendo para sempre no tempo, pois o tempo é uma ilusão, só há a eternidade do Agora e do Ser
Depois desse momento de partilha que parece durar toda uma eternidade, Nós deita-mo-nos na relva, viras-te para mim e abraça-mo-nos
Sentes os meus braços à tua volta, e eu sinto os teus à minha volta
Continuamos Unos, só a sentir, só a Ser
Acaricio-te o cabelo, a face, e carinhosamente beijo-te na testa
Fechamos os olhos, e sentindo a nossa forte energia a nos envolver
Sentimo-nos tão em paz e harmonia, que começamos a adormecer
Em toda esta partilha, nunca foi pronunciado um som, uma única palavra
Não importa, não é relevante, só definiria e limitaria
Não torna a partilha menos intensa, mas mais intensa, não a torna menos especial, mas mais especial
Não existem palavras que possam descrever toda esta experiência de União, todo este Ser, e não são precisas, porque para Ser, basta Ser, o Amor não se define, apenas se Sente
E assim, adormecemos abraçados um ao outro, tendo total consciência que para além das ilusões, só existe o Amor
E é nesse Amor, nesse ciclo infindável, que Nascemos, Vivemos, Morremos e Renascemos.
Mas sentimos que, não importa o que nos aconteça nos inúmeros contextos da nossa vida, onde estejamos e o que façamos, por mais afastados que estejamos a nossa alma estará sempre interligada de uma forma muito profunda e intensa, porque Somos Um
Ali, no Aqui e Agora, somos apenas isso: AMOR... e nada mais importa.
Junho de 2012
Your Intention Connection - How your presence can transform the world
Your impact on others shines back on you.
When you feel connected to and in harmony with the universal mind of intention, you’ll sense a major difference in how other people react to you. These reactions are important because they bear directly on your ability to fulfill your own individual intentions, your goals and dreams. The more closely you resonate with the frequencies of the universal all-creating Source, the more others will be impacted. They’ll gravitate toward you, bringing peace, joy, love, beauty, and abundance into your life. Here, in my opinion, are some of the ways in which you’ll impact others when you’re resonating with intention:
Your presence instills calmness.
When you coincide with intention, your impact on others has a calming influence. People tend to feel more at peace, less threatened, and more at ease. The power of intention is the power of love and receptivity. It asks nothing of anyone, it judges no one, and it encourages others to be free to be themselves. As people feel calmer in your presence, they’re inclined to feel safe, by virtue of the energy frequencies that you radiate. Their feelings are encouraged by your energy of love and receptivity, causing them to want to reach out and be with you.
Your presence leaves others feeling energized.
When you bring the frequencies of intention into the presence of others, they’ll feel energized just by being in your immediate circle. You don’t have to say a word. You don’t have to act in any prescribed fashion. Your energy of intention alone will make others in your field feel as if they’ve mysteriously been empowered. They’ll want to assist you in fulfilling your own dreams.
Your presence allows others to feel better about themselves.
Have you ever noticed when you’re in the presence of certain people that you feel better about yourself? Their compassionate energy has the noticeably pleasant impact of simply making you feel really good about yourself. You’ll impact others with this energy of compassion as you develop your connection to intention. People will sense that you care about them, understand them, and are interested in them as unique individuals.
Your presence allows others to feel unified.
The effect of being in the presence of people expressing high frequencies is to feel unified and connected to all of nature, all of humankind, and to intention. As you raise your frequencies, your impact on others invites them to be on the same team. You are unified and want to assist each other in the fulfillment of a common objective.
Your presence instills a sense of purpose.
When you’re in the higher spiritual energies, your presence and behavior from a space of love, acceptance, nonjudgment, and kindness becomes a catalyst for others to feel on purpose in their lives. By staying at the higher energies of optimism, forgiveness, understanding, reverence for Spirit, creativity, serenity, and bliss, you radiate this energy. The people around you begin to feel your quiet reverence and serenity. Your own purpose, which revolves around serving others and therefore serving God, becomes fulfilled, and as a bonus, you create allies.
Your presence allows others to trust in authentic personal connections.
By bringing the traits of intention to others, you allow trust to be present. You’ll notice both an inclination and a willingness on the part of others to open up and confide in you. This is related to the quality of trust. In the atmosphere of higher energy, people trust and want to share their personal stories with you.
Your presence inspires others to greatness.
When you’re connected to Spirit and quietly reflect this consciousness, you become a source of inspiration to others. In a sense, this is one of the most powerful effects that connecting to intention transmits to others. The word inspiration means “in-spirit.” The fact that you’re primarily in-spirit means that you inspire rather than inform with your
Your presence aligns others with beauty.
When you’re connected to intention, you see beauty everywhere and in everything because you’re radiating the quality of beauty. Your perceptual world changes dramatically. At the higher energy of intent, you see beauty in everyone, young or old, rich or poor, dark or light, with no distinctions. Everything is perceived from a perspective of appreciation rather than judgment. As you bring this feeling of
beauty appreciation to the presence of others, people are inclined to see themselves as you see them. They feel attractive and better about themselves. When people feel beautiful, they act in beautiful ways.
Your presence instills health rather than sickness.
Your connection to your Source keeps you focused on what you intend to manifest into your life, with no energy given to what you don’t want. This internal focus doesn’t permit you to complain about what ails you or to think about disease, pain, or any physical difficulties. Your energy is always on creating love, and expanding the perfection from which you originated.
* * *
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Portugal - A fraude do plano nacional de barragens
Programa Biosfera:
Saiba porque é que a construção de barragens de grande dimensão é extremamente prejudicial para o estado e para o ambiente:
Reporter TVI - Facturas de Betão:
Porque é a electricidade tão cara? Portugal vai fazer 9 barragens novas, que vão gastar mais electricidade do que produzir. Quem vai pagar são os consumidores, nas facturas. Saiba porque a electricidade é tão cara, no Repórter TVI.
Saiba porque é que a construção de barragens de grande dimensão é extremamente prejudicial para o estado e para o ambiente:
Reporter TVI - Facturas de Betão:
Porque é a electricidade tão cara? Portugal vai fazer 9 barragens novas, que vão gastar mais electricidade do que produzir. Quem vai pagar são os consumidores, nas facturas. Saiba porque a electricidade é tão cara, no Repórter TVI.
The Collective Evolution - Transforming ourselves and the world
"World peace is a personal thing, what is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of consciousness"
- Neale Donald Walsh
The Collective Evolution 1:
A documentary aimed at showing the current state of the world, why it needs to be changed, and how each and every one of us can play a role in changing it. The documentary addresses this need for change through five individual yet interrelated structures society has come to rely upon --finance, education, religion, entertainment/ media, and health/ food. Each of these structures is fully broken down to show viewers how they have come into place, and why their continued existence can no longer be supported. The documentary concludes by drawing attention to consciousness. Addressing who we truly are, what we have come on this planet to do, and most importantly how we can go about doing it.
The Collective Evolution 2 - The Human Experience:
A documentary focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego. The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet. It's intention is to further provide the viewer with the tools and understanding it needs to step out of current limitations and instead experience the infinite potentiality we are all capable of.
The Collective Evolution 3 - The Shift (Trailer 2012):
A powerful documentary that lays out a plan of action that humanity can begin taking to drastically change our world. By uncovering why we currently operate the way we do and bringing an understanding to it, CE3 presents very real and practical solutions to begin shifting not only ourselves but our external world also. Combined with The SHIFT Project, CE3 explores advanced technologies, consciousness, and our natural state to create a bridge from our current world to a bright limitless future.
Choosing to Live a Life That Matters
How Will The Value of Your Days Be Measured?
Choosing to Live a Life That Matters!
Whether we are ready or not, someday it will all come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours, or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.
Your wealth, fame, and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or owed.
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.
So, too your hopes, ambitions, plans and to-do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It won’t matter where you came from or on what side of the tracks you lived at the end.
It wont matter if you are beautiful or brilliant.
Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.
So what will matter?
How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built.
Not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel the lasting loss when you’re gone.
What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom, and for what.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage, or sacrifice that enriched, empowered, or encouraged others to emulate your example.
Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident.
It's not a matter of circumstance but of choice.
A choice to live a life that touched and cured a dying and suffering Humanity and Earth.
This is the biggest blessing you can have and share.
When you choose to transform yourself and transform the world.
When you choose to live a life that matters.
- Author unknown
(Modified version)
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