
Life Is Beautiful

When you look life with new eyes
You will see in a new way
You will see beyond appearances
You will see what is really there

When you look life with new eyes
You will see beauty all around you
You will see every plant, animal and person shining
You will see new colors, new dimensions

When you look life with new eyes
You will experience emotions
You will feel peace and happiness
You will feel love, for others, for yourself

When you look life with new eyes
You will become more aware
You will transcend yourself
You will reach new dimensions

When you look life with new eyes
You will finally understand that, we are all one.
You will finally understand that, what we do to another, we do it to ourselves.
You will finally understand that, the only answer to everything is...

... unconditional love.

By P. D. - 12/2009

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